The Split. ↔
There has already been much talk about The Shift, so let’s now discuss The Split.
What is The Split?
In Discerning Alien Disinformation, Tom Montalk writes;
…portions of humanity are moving towards spiritual transcendence, toward acquiring the spiritual awareness and interdimensional abilities needed to overcome the control system. This is not just the result of human spiritual evolution increasing the need for a more expansive state of awareness, it is also a manifestation of divine intervention during difficult times accelerating the spiritual empowerment of individuals who choose to participate in the process.
But what about those individuals who choose not to participate in this process? What will become of them? This is The Split.
These individuals will instead choose to participate in a very different process, one which will cost them their humanity.
The Split has been described in various ways, for example by Harrari, and by de Garis in connection with synthetic biology, genetic engineering, and humanities integration with computers, AI, and mixed reality.
It has also been considered by researchers such as David Jacobs in connection with human hybridisation with alien beings, and by Montalk and Darryl Anka (Bashar) who have both speculated about a timeline split in connection with a dimensional shift into multiple future Earths, where “different people would shunt onto separate probable futures depending on their individual spiritual profiles” - Montalk 2008.
But for now, let’s think about a split which is going to be observable in our timeline. What might we actually see? Are we talking about some kind of artificial cladogenesis?…Potentially.
Michael P. Masters has speculated that greys are future humans due to the predicted morphological trajectory of humanity, and an observable process of neoteny.
I don’t think that greys are future humans, or time traveler’s. I think that they are bioengineered extraterrestrials from our local galaxy, who are basically worker classes for higher up races of aliens such as reptilians, mantids and tall whites. I don’t think that they are inter-dimensional either, they are operating within our universe, but they are fourth density, which explains their extraphysical capabilities.
Inter-dimensional time travelers aside, it may be true that clades or offshoots of humanity will over time develop larger eyes and possibly a smaller jaw profile. So if hybridisation is occurring with the greys, then genetic bondage could essentially reduce portions of humanity to their spiritual level, which is basically zero. Admittedly, this could cause humanity to converge onto possible future timelines that intersect with their race.
This would represent a reduction, running counter to the process of ascension.
Some of the reptilian species may even be trying to achieve ascension for themselves by hijacking our human-mammalian genetics. As with the insect-like species, they are genetic parasites.
You will notice that many people who have had repeated experience, contact and exposure to these races often argue their case, suggesting that human-alien integration is a positive thing. They will consistently ignore the fact that these beings come uninvited, operate secretly, never disclose their true activities and intentions, collude only with those who they can influence and manipulate, take humans against their will, violate them, and subject them to horrendous experimentation.
Then we have Transhumanism, which, ideologically speaking, is unlikely to result in greys, and is much more likely to stem into things like Nordics. This is interesting because it seems that we have extraterrestrial races and groups who are genetically engineered and bred for specific purposes, and that these are clearly hierarchical, and arguably, run counter to the divine — as in technological and non-human/alien assimilation diminishes the God spark.
If we want to understand what will happen to post-humanity, then we only have to look towards the aliens themselves.
In Gnostic terms, this is basically the definition of an Archon agenda.
It’s life operating at a higher level of activity, both mentally, and technologically, but not spiritually. Therefore, Knowledge, which represents our connection to Spirt, is humanities greatest strength, and hope for the future.
Whether you are a worker grey, a souped-up genetically “enhanced” hyper “human”, or breeding with insects and reptiles, I think that one thing will become increasingly clear as we move forward;
Anything post-human is no longer human, and this will mean the loss of individual freedom, the loss of individual spirit, loss of innate spiritual Knowledge, and connection with the divine, as races integrate with technology, and consequently this means subservience to The Hive (SETHiX).
Because technological races will have increased cognitive abilities, and will be unified and uniform in their goal directives, with their hybrids often appearing to be indistinguishable from us, they could potentially dominate what’s left of humanity, taking over control of the planet.
So what will stop them!?
We already have multiple alien factions competing and vying for a stake in Earths environmental/biological resources. They want humans to join their collectives, and they want to foster a state of dependency on their offers of technology, but they can only achieve this through insidious methodologies, genetic bondage, pacification, persuasion, manipulation, deception, false gifts*, and mind programming. That’s so weak and pathetic.
Think about it, all you need to do is wake up and decide that you want to stay free and human.
I don’t think that we are going to get that many people joining their ranks in all honesty. I realised this during the Covid anti-lockdown protests in the UK where there were tens of thousands of people that the media ignored, some holding signs that said “defeat the reptilians” and “obedience to God is resistance to tyranny”.
We are not all walking around wearing Covid masks anymore are we? With vaccine passes for access to public life. We are no longer locked up inside our homes, or forced into detainment camps, because humanity collectively chose FREEEEEDDOM over collective insanity.
There is so much hope that humanity has a future as a free and independent race on Earth.
But of course, we have other problems now don’t we, like the threat of global war which, at the moment is looking increasingly likely.
If we go into WW3 and humanity fights amongst itself, then we will be so weakened and defeated that alien factions will offer their assistance, and then they will assume authority here.
Fuck that man.
* It should now be quite obvious that UAP “crashes” are actually staged by the extraterrestrials as a way to offer their ‘false gifts’ to humanity.
This will, over time create a state of dependence on their technology because if alien craft are locked up inside secret programs and in the hands of private aerospace contractors, then as awareness spreads of craft retrievals, humanity will demand that these technologies become public.
If the development of alien acquired technologies requires provisions, resources and assistance from the extraterrestrials, which they likely will, then the cost will be humanity’s freedom, sovereignty and self sufficiency.
Go figure.